E-Learning Punk Talk E-Learning Trends Corporate Learning Community
E-Learning Punk

Punky Talk #1: Karlheinz Pape

The founder of a popular German learning community talks to us about self-directed learning

In our E-Learning Punk series, we publish a new article on current digital training trends each month. The last three months have been dedicated to the following three trends: video-based learning, blended learning and mobile learning. Now, in the first Punky Talk, E-Learning Punk editor Vanessa talks to Karlheinz Pape, founder of the German Corporate Learning Community (CLC), about these topics, but also about his favourite, self-directed learning.


With the CLC, Karlheinz has established a community network that drives new forms of learning. In our interview, Karlheinz appeals to the crowd to reject their prejudices against learning with video. He also explains why Twitter is his number one learning booster and why mobile learning is an artificial term for him.


Listen for yourself below.

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Since 2014 I have been part of the marketing and communication team at imc. My heart beats for creative campaigns, exciting content and digital innovations. My goal is to make digital topics understandable and simple to the point. My passions besides my job are good books and sports.
I am always happy to receive feedback on the series at vanessa.klein@im-c.com.
Photo of Vanessa Klein
Vanessa Klaes
Senior Event and Communication Manager