Innovation Pack 14.7: 180° feedback enables individual learning strategy
The new functions of the imc Learning Suite allow learners to gain an easier overview of acquired learning success, performance and planned courses. With the new 180° course feedback it is even more easy to adapt learning strategies to individual needs.
Not every learner finds courses equally meaningful, and supervisors may also have a different view on the effectiveness of further education programmes. However, it has proved difficult to reflect this in learning management systems (LMS) and to evaluate courses in a targeted manner.
But that will change with the Innovation Pack 14.7 of imc Learning Suite. The 180° feedback enables both course participants and the respective supervisor to evaluate completed courses regarding their effectiveness for employees.
Furthermore, the latest version of the LMS allows learning activities to be more clearly displayed and rewarded. With the up-skilling function, the learner receives points as soon as a milestone is reached and thus sees immediate learning success. Previously, these only became visible after completing the entire module.
A further innovation is the "Wish List for Courses". As many customers today have such a large selection of digital learning content, it is often difficult for learners to decide which course to select. If an interesting course catches their attention but they can’t or don’t want to attend right now, they can add it to a wish list in their own learning area and thus keep an eye on the course.

Sven R. Becker, imc board member summarises: "With the new features of Innovation Pack 14.7, we are significantly improving the learning experience for learners.
We make learning successes immediately visible to make learning even more sustainable. Altogether, the digitisation of learning activities will thus become easier, better and more efficient".
More information
If you would like to learn more about Innovation Pack 14.7, please have a look here.