See Europe's #1 enterprise learning platform in action
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learning success?
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Europe's #1 LMS/LXP
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The best learning platform (LMS & LXP) for American enterprise

Discover why leading US businesses are turning to imc Learning's complete solutions for digital training and enterprise learning management.

​As an award-winning e-learning pioneer with over 25 years of experience, imc has helped many of the world's most recognized brands deliver exciting learning experiences to transform L&D strategies into real business success.​

The #1 enterprise learning platform

Highly configurable enterprise LMS/LXP combining robust management capabilities with intuitive UX-design

Learning content you'll love

Custom e-learning created with our state-of-the-art and AI-powered content solutions: imc Express and imc Content Studio

Effective global strategies

Enterprise consulting on custom learning, flexible tooling, and off-the-shelf solutions for high-impact outcomes

> 1,200
global customers
> 10,000,000
learners worldwide
> 25
years of market experience
> 98%
customer retention rate
Europe's #1 enterprise learning platform

imc Learning Suite

Deliver user-friendly digital and blended learning experiences with the perfect combination of powerful LMS capabilities and engaging LXP user experiences.

  • A modular LMS that's infinitely scalable and future-proof as your organization grows.
  • The most flexible learning platform for complex scenarios offering granular control over the widest range of functionalities.
  • A welcoming and engaging look & feel for easy, intuitive use even by inexperienced learners.
The leading learning platform for enterprise
E-learning content creation has never been easier
AI-powered content authoring

imc Express

Streamline your content creation by empowering everyone in your organization to share their knowledge and create engaging e-learning content in minutes.

  • No training or design skills needed.
  • Intuitive AI-powered content creation based on proven templates.
  • Automatic, impactful layouts designed by industry experts.
Tailored learning experiences

Digital Learning Content

Implement tailored, award-winning e-learning experiences from imc's enterprise consulting teams:

  • Highly customizable learning perfectly tailored to your organization's needs.
  • Greater impact with consulting on holistic learning experiences for measurable success.
  • Tools and off-the-shelf content in learning journeys that are spot-on for your learners.
Proven enterprise learning strategies from the industry leader

Success Stories

Meet our imc experts at events or attend our online webinars. We would love to learn more about your situation and to give you some tailored, expert advice to solve the obstacles that you are facing.

Australian HR Institute National Convention 2022
Exhibition & Trade Shows
Australia & New Zealand
AHRI Convention
Exhibition & Trade Shows, Online
Australia & New Zealand

Book a tailored demo