WirtschaftsWoche honors imc as best e-learning provider for the third time in a row
The German magazine WirtschaftsWoche has published a ranking of digi-tal education providers. In first place among the best e-learning providers once again: imc Learning.

Saarbruecken, October 2022
With the ranking "Best Digital Education Providers", the German magazine "WirtschaftsWoche" is once again dedicated to the digital education market in Germany this year. In the category "e-learning providers", imc once again achieved 1st place.
Christian Wachter, spokesman for imc's board, is delighted about the renewed award and states: "Digital education and further training have gained enormously in importance in recent years. The shortage of skilled workers, which affects almost all industries, as well as the requirements for companies and organizations in the New Work context will continue to increase the demand for high-quality digital training solutions in the coming years.
We will therefore continue to invest in product innovations in order to continue to support our customers as a reliable partner with the latest technology and state-of-the-art content solutions in the future."
For the ranking, market research institute ServiceValue obtained more than 10,000 user assessments of 111 providers.
Further information
Further information and the entire ranking can be found in the WirtschaftsWoche article.