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Successful e-learning supported by gamified elements
Gaming in training: Rethinking gamification

How gamification boosts motivation and learning success in e-learning

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Motivation boost

Boost motivation and achieve learning success by leveraging targeted use of gaming elements.




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Knowledge consolidation

Thwart loss of knowledge and increase the likelihood of learners remembering the learned material.


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Corporate success

Continuous training completion increases your employees’ performance on the job. That enhances your corporate success.



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Enhanced learning experience

Successful e-learning with the right gamification strategy – rather than subjecting learners to passive training, gamified elements demand interaction at every point. According to the American research institute Brandon Hall Group, 49% of all companies that consider their learners’ motivation a key strategic topic are already using gamification components.


Leverage your customised gamification approach to create a learning environment that grabs your learners’ attention, inspires them and drives them to return regularly. This boosts their motivation to attend while also consolidating the learned knowledge.

Customised gamification components

Choose from a range of game design elements to achieve your learning goals and motivate learners. Design your customised gamification approach your way to boost your learners’ motivation to use your learning management system.


Do you want to include experience points, prefer using avatars or plan to introduce leaderboards? The imc Learning Suite allows you to design your learning management system with a range of gamification components in line with your ideas.

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Versatile applications

Gamification offers a learning journey that combines the enjoyment of gaming with the communication of learning content. That’s why learners appreciate it so much. From important compliance training through exciting onboarding to efficient sales training – gamification helps you convey even complex learning content in an exciting way.


Capitalise on the positive effect of gamification throughout the entire professional development strategy and integrate gamified elements into your learning platform. From interactive video-based training courses to virtual simulations, imc AG is your competent partner and supports you in the development of your web-based training.

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Interesting facts on gamification


Discover your customised gamification approach with our free whitepaper.


For more information on game-based learning, read our article series.

Successful use of blended learning and gamification elements in practice.

Playful knowledge transfer with the imc BizQuiz app.


Discover gamifications for your corporate success

Are you interested in gamification with the imc Learning Suite? We are happy to advise you without obligation in a consultancy meeting.

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