E-Learning Punk: Man in a Suit with a Questionmark representing his head E-Learning Trends
E-Learning Punk

The quiz show phenomenon in e-learning

Understanding why companies should rely on quiz apps in professional development

Learning by quizzing: are you always looking for entertaining fun facts for your next small talk? We feel the same way. That's why today's E-Learning Punk article starts with a quick question for all the British Royal family fans.


The Queen…

  • A: celebrates her birthday twice a year
  • B: has already had a little plastic surgery
  • C: swears by yoga in the morning

You will get the answer at the end of the article. First of all we want to look at where the interest in quizzes comes from, how companies can make use of them in training and what needs to be considered.

The success of quizzes depends on the mix

Jeopardy and QuizUp are just two well-known quiz examples. Quizzing is simply fun, it activates the reward centre in our brain and provides flow experiences with the right questions. Companies can also take advantage of this and use quiz apps in professional development. The quiz apps combine the advantages of mobile learning and game-based learning.


Various game elements are used, which in combination contribute to the success of the format. Here are the three most important elements of quiz apps:

Icon representing Avatar Quiz apps


They are used as identification figures. Wonderwomen, Jack Sparrow or Count Dracula - my avatar allows me to present my innermost self or to slip into different roles.

Icon representing competition Quiz apps


By competing against other players, my ambition is aroused (fun fact: this is especially true for men, women are usually more reserved). When I play in a group, I feel like I'm part of something bigger. This phenomenon is also described as "epic meaning".

Icon representing Feedback Quiz apps


If I answer a question correctly, there will be points and I will be promoted to the high score list. If I answer a question incorrectly, there are no points. It's that simple. The feedback is clear, honest and direct.


Quiz apps as a learning tool?

With BizQuiz, IMC also has a quiz app that uses the three elements just described. We evaluated the data of about 100,000 players and came to the result that quiz apps in continuing education are a learning trend that - when used correctly - leads to really amazing success:


Most players play daily - even on weekends. As a result, after just three weeks they know about 1.5 times more than at the beginning.

That makes sense. People are learning by repetition. By repeating something over and over again, it becomes an unconscious competence for me and takes place automatically at some point - like typing with ten fingers or flashing while driving. "We only see limitations when a target group simply has too little basic knowledge for the topic," says Oliver Nussbaum, IMC Managing Director in Austria and quiz master. But here we also have to say, the right mix makes the difference.


Areas of application for quiz apps in companies

Experts use quiz apps at various points of the learning journey and combine the quizzes with other tools such as digital learning cards and classroom training. Sounds complex? Want to know more? Ok, here we go. Quizzes are ideal whenever the level of knowledge needs to be tested or knowledge needs to be consolidated:

Icon representing Knowledge testing Quiz apps

Testing the state of knowledge

At the first point of the learning journey, quizzes helps to determine the status of the learners and to discover knowledge gaps. Ideally, the learning content is tailored to the results.

Icon representing Knowledge approval Quiz apps

Consolidate knowledge

After face-to-face training or e-learning, quizzes can make a significant contribution to consolidating knowledge. Perfectly suited are quizzes that run over a period of two to three weeks and reward with a real prize at the end.


tips for the use of quiz apps in continuing education

So now we know what elements make quiz apps so successful and at what point in the learning journey quizzing can provide a bit of fun and motivation. Finally, we have a few tips for you to make sure that the quizzes don't miss their effect and you don't get bored:

  1. Limite the maximum number of games that can be played per day.
  2. Do not use quizzes in an inflationary way. Instead, use them mainly for topics of strategic importance and with a manageable number of questions.
  3. Pay attention to the flow channel when creating questions. A good question should not be too difficult, but also not too easy.
  4. Provide small incentives that have a positive effect on the status of the winner, for example an exclusive meeting with the management board.
  5. Leave the game as what it is: a game. Not a formal learning measure. Don't force your learners to participate.


The right answer is A, by the way.

Contact person

Since 2014 I have been part of the marketing & communication team at imc. My heart beats for creative campaigns, exciting content and digital innovations. My goal is to make digital topics understandable and simple to the point. My passions besides my job are good books and sports.
I am always happy to receive feedback on the series at vanessa.klein@im-c.com.
Photo of Vanessa Klein
Vanessa Klaes
Senior Event and Communication Manager