Diversity and inclusion at imc
Let’s celebrate diversity!
– Interview with Kerstin Steffen
I now work at imc in Saarbrücken. New job, new colleagues, new environment. I already noticed in my first week that this environment is not only diverse, but proud of diversity.
When I arrived at the imc headquarters for an initial meeting, one thing immediately caught my eye: The wall in our office features the word “Diversity” in large letters. Underneath is a small sitting area and a merchandise shelf with postcards. Someone had gone to the effort to create something visible – indeed, tangible.

That aroused my interest. I want to know how imc understands diversity, and what exactly the company does to promote and celebrate diversity. Since I am curious by nature, I asked around. The company has a Diversity Crew. Members are based all over the world, but regularly meet virtually to exchange ideas and drive diversity and inclusion. Kerstin Steffen has been part of this from the start.

Kerstin, how did the Diversity Crew come into being? What exactly do you do?
The imc Diversity Crew was established last year. In fact, you could say it is a grassroots movement. Of course, our initiative has no political motivation. Yet, what we all have in common is our desire to bring about (societal) changes.
Colleagues who are invested in certain issues came together. After several discussions and iterations, the three pillars of Women in Leadership, Diversity in Talents and Cultural Diversity were formed. Now, small project teams are working on these topics, continuously extending their reach. Their mission is to organise various programmes and campaigns to make diversity and inclusion visible, and to bring these topics to life.
In particular, we are thrilled that the Executive Board has welcomed our work on diversity and inclusion (D&I), and has given us room to push our topics.

What does diversity mean for imc?
To us, D&I means promoting social diversity among employees, and leveraging it for the company in a constructive way.
Our employees come from almost 50 different countries. Personally, I find that rather impressive. We are working for a large range of customers all over the world. These projects are already very diverse in themselves.
You meet different colleagues from different cultures. They all work with different methods, and have a different understanding of values and beliefs. It is this very difference, this variety, that we consider a great opportunity for reaching the full potential of imc. We also understand diversity as a vital source of creativity. It enables us to come out tops in the global competition for the best ideas and products.
As a company that stands for development and rethinking like no other, we must also ensure that our employees have the freedom and opportunity to expand their horizon, keep learning and take in other perspectives. Making connections with other people and communities, exchanging ideas and benefitting from other people’s knowledge and experience is a win-win situation for each employee, as well as for imc as a whole.

Why does imc have a Diversity Corner? What purpose does it serve?
We created the Diversity Wall to emphasise how important D&I is in our company. The wall represents a diverse workforce and the integrative culture that imc stands for. At the same time, it reminds us every day to be approachable and open with each other.
At the moment, we only have this wall at the headquarters in Saarbrücken. However, we would like to install a wall like that at every imc location.

Your focus in the Diversity Crew is Women in Leadership. Why is that topic so close to your heart?
I moved up to a leadership position at a very young age. I was extremely lucky to have great coaches, colleagues and associates who supported my personal growth in a very male-dominated sector. To this day, I am extremely grateful for the opportunity and the confidence placed in me. I would like to give something back, pass it on. That is why I am actively involved in our Women in Leadership (WIL) Circle.
However, I would like to highlight that WIL means more than just management tasks, line management and responsibility to me. I know many women who have – or are building – impressive careers as experts.
You can also be very passionate about issues you deeply care about or have special talents in your private life. I think it’s important to support each other and help each other be seen. That is the aspect I want to contribute to.
Women in Leadership is one of the pillars of diversity management at imc. Hence, it’s only natural that we are celebrating International Women’s Day on 8th March. Do you want to see what Kerstin and her team have prepared? Come and visit our social media wall and subscribe to our Instagram channel!

Corporate Social Responsibility
Want to know more about Corporate Social Responsibility and what it means for us at imc? Find out more about our pillars and what we do.

A plea for diverse learning content
Diversity is increasingly becoming a hygiene factor in our working world. E-Learning Content Project Manager Kenny appeals: “The diversity you want must also be reflected in your learning content.”
I joined the imc newsroom team in 2021. As a journalist my heart beats for content and storytelling.
I’m excited to figure out how e-learing and digitization affect the future of work. My task is to create content to talk about and I’m always looking for trends.
Privately I love to travel and eat Tapas.
Topics: E-Learning Trends, Corporate Social Responsibility, Press and Influencer Relations