Communication is no second thing
At the annual kick-off, the imc brand ambassadors learned from true professionals what personal branding really means and why communication must be more than just an afterthought.
How can I position myself as a brand ambassador in my company? How do I find my topics? What exactly is that widely discussed personal branding all about?
To discuss these and new topics for 2021, the imc brand ambassador crew of around 30 members, met for the virtual annual kick-off in early February. As a special highlight, Steffi Tönjes and Karim Cheranti from Deutsche Telekom presented their perspective of personal branding.

Telekom Ambassadors share insights
Following the welcome by imc Executive Board Member Sven R. Becker, who has supported the programme from the start, two special guests were waiting for the group: Steffi Tönjes and Karim Cheranti work in Corporate Communications at Deutsche Telekom and are part of one of the biggest and most well-known brand ambassador programmes.
Karim and Steffi take a clear position on their topics on social media, and discuss issues like communication, TikTok, social media in general, as well as female empowerment.
Personal branding means personal development
Personal branding was also the keyword they both talked about. In their presentation, they show that it is more than just a buzzword. After all: Personal branding is not about marketing yourself, but about personal development.
To say it with Jeff Bezos: "Personal branding is what people say about you when you are not present." Their simple tip for checking what is known about you is to google yourself.
Steffi and Karim then offered a few tips to the imc ambassadors on where to start with becoming your own personal brand. Setting clear objectives is key, and that includes having a clear concept of the topics you want to talk about and what concerns you.
Next, an opinion leader on these or related topics needs to be identified, so that you can examine how you can be different. You might also benefit from a challenge with another colleague – for example on how often something should be posted.
Communication is a must, not an option
Both speakers were very clear on one appeal: Communication must be more than just an afterthought! All too often, we hear the excuse that there was no time for communicating or explaining certain topics.
Karim argued that transparent communication is key – especially, but not only for managers. It is necessary for getting employees on board, exchanging ideas and obtaining feedback, as well as for creating networks with others.
Brand ambassadors are not just an external function
Following the presentation by Steffi and Karim and a Q&A session, the imc ambassadors were split into two groups. The imc brand ambassadors want and should address both external and internal stakeholders, and also strengthen internal communication and networking.
Thus, the first group examined how internal collaboration and networks can be strengthened. The ambassadors felt that especially the exchange between different divisions should be approached strategically and intensified. They discussed various informal and rather formal formats serving this objective, such as job shadowing, play days and even a second internal BarCamp.
The second group looked at a digital imc roadshow. Originally, the idea was to use it for increasing awareness of the different locations and introduce them internally. However, the group quickly agreed that it would be better to also open the format to external stakeholders – so that customers can see what makes each location special, and what core topics each location is addressing.
Maintaining momentum
Now, the results of those discussions must be put into action, maintaining the momentum. That is also what Kerstin Steffen, Head of Global Marketing and Communications at imc wants, who started the programme.

She sums up: “We will pass all ideas and requests on to our Executive Board, and develop the concept proposals. It is very important to us that we can show our ambassadors and all other employees that we value their ideas and do our best to realise them.
We are thrilled that our employees continue to play an active role and that the team keeps welcoming new members. It goes to show how important these topics are for our colleagues.”

More than just selfie overload
Take a look behind the scenes of the imc's Ambassador Program and learn more about why our employees' hearts beat for the corporate brand.

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